As practitioners, we are taught that through our senses we can recognize that an individual’s temperament, worries and concerns, and even physical ailments, have the same source as an element of the natural world, be it Fire, Earth, Metal, Water or Wood. Identifying that element in a person and restoring it to health is what a practitioner aspires to accomplish.

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While there are many styles of acupuncture out there, Five Element Acupuncture relies on nature as the guide to our healing potential.

With a documented history dating from the third century, Chinese herbal medicine has been in continued use to this day.

The long history has insured that herbal claims have been tested for two thousand years. Herbal properties, such as temperature, category, taste, and indications have been documented, as well as their interactions with other herbs. There is a structure to putting a formula together, with much attention being paid to the constitution of the person ingesting it. Herbs that I use in my practice have been tested for pesticides, heavy metals and pharmaceuticals. To learn more about how herbs work for a specific condition click here.

Massage therapy Eagle Vail Valley

Massage Therapy

Swedish, Sports Massage, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, or Pre-natal massage. This is a customized massage session of 60, 75 or 90 minutes designed to relax and rejuvenate the body, release tension, calm the mind, or help with pain or injury.

In addition to the above therapies, other modalities may be part of a typical session: moxibustion, gua sha, cupping, stretching, shoni-shin (‘kids acupressure’), specific exercises, nutrition and qigong exercises.

Additional Therapies